This document tells you how to install and start using Switch-It as quickly as possible. For more detailed instructions and information, please refer to the document entitled "Read Me".
• Put the file "Switch-It" in the Control Panels folder, then restart your computer.
For Mac OS 8.5 Users
• If your system is Mac OS 8.5 or later, you need to turn off, once and for all, the key combination (Command-Tab by default) used by the system built-in Application Switcher, as it interferes with Switch-It's own default. For that purpose, you can select the menu item called “Toggle "Application Switcher"...” located in the new “System” menu of Switch-It's control panel, then click on "OK" in the dialog window to confirm the turning off (note that you can later revert to the original setting by running the command once again). Please refer to the document entitled "Support for Mac OS 8.5" for more information.
Directions for Use
• With "Switch-It", you can use the keyboard to switch between applications:
- Hold down the activator key (Command) and press the switch key (Tab) to cycle through the running applications.
- Release the activator key to actually switch to the application.
- The switch request can be canceled by pressing the cancel key (Escape) before releasing the activator key.
- In addition to the standard activator key (Command), an alternate auto-hide activator key (Option) is provided, which allows either the front application to be automatically hidden before switching, or all the other applications to be hidden after switching to the selected application, depending on the chosen auto-hide switching strategy.
• While cycling through the running applications, you can also:
- Select the Finder ['F'].
- Select the front application [Return].
- Select the next "pending" application (application in background which wants to attract your attention) ['P'].
- Request the termination of applications by marking them with a red cross, either individually [quit: 'Q' or 'X'], or globally [kill-all: 'K'].
- Request the hiding/showing of applications by marking them with a white diamond, either individually ['H' or 'S'], or globally [conceal-all: 'C', display-all: 'D'].
- Temporarily toggle the auto-hide switching feature ['A'].
- Automatically open Switch-It's control panel, and customize all the available options ['O'].
- Get the memory information of the Finder's About window ['M'].
• You can also use extra keys to perform directly some of the actions listed below, without displaying any dialog window on the screen (by default, these actions are assigned to key combinations involving a function key and an optional modifier key):
- [Command-F1] Open Switch-It's control panel.
- [Command-F2] Open the Finder's About window.
- [Command-F3] Quit all applications, but the Finder.
- [Command-F4] Quit all applications, but the frontmost one and the Finder.
- [Command-F5] Hide all applications, but the Finder.
- [Command-F6] Hide all applications, but the frontmost one and the Finder.
- [Command-F7] Hide the frontmost application.
- [Command-F8] Hide other applications (all but the frontmost one).
- [Command-F9] Show all applications.
- [Command-F10] Standard switch to the next "pending" application.
- [Command-F11] Standard switch to the next application (currently set application ordering).
- [Command-F12] Standard switch to the Finder.
- [Command-F13] Standard switch to the next application (launch order).
- [Command-F14] Standard switch to the next application (alphabetical).
- [Command-F15] Standard switch to the next application (front to back).
- [Option-F10] Auto-hide switch to the next "pending" application.
- [Option-F11] Auto-hide switch to the next application (currently set application ordering).
- [Option-F12] Auto-hide switch to the Finder.
- [Option-F13] Auto-hide switch to the next application (launch order).
- [Option-F14] Auto-hide switch to the next application (alphabetical).
- [Option-F15] Auto-hide switch to the next application (front to back).
Copyright 1996-2000 Michel MARIANI <>